National Expert on Student Drinking Visits WSU

PULLMAN, Wash. — Consultant Alan Berkowitz helps colleges and universities design
programs to change campus culture. He is working with Washington State University to develop
effective methods of reducing alcohol abuse by students.
Berkowitz will visit the Pullman campus Monday and Tuesday, April 26 and 27, to meet with
faculty, staff and students. He will discuss prevention strategies based on social norms theory
as well as such related issues as policy enforcement. Reporters can talk to Berkowitz during a
media availability session at 10 a.m. Tuesday in Lighty Students Services, Room 380.
In 1998, WSU received a $283,000, two-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education to
support a research project to reduce student alcohol abuse. The program, “Project Culture
Change,” has as its main goal correcting misperceptions of alcohol and other drug use norms
among students. Berkowitz, a developer of this prevention technology, was retained to assist in
the process.
Berkowitz is a nationally recognized expert in health and social justice issues. In addition to
alcohol abuse prevention programs, he will engage in sessions on sexual assault prevention,
body image/eating disorders and diversity during his visit to WSU.