WSU Veterinary Professor Wins Faculty Library Award

PULLMAN, Wash. — Professor Robert C. Speth of the Washington State University College
of Veterinary Medicine will be honored as the 1999 Faculty Library Award recipient April 14 as
part of National Library Week festivities.
The award, established in 1980, is given to a departmental faculty member who has shown
exceptional support to WSU libraries.
Speth has long been devoted to the libraries at WSU. He has been a member of the
Veterinary Medical Pharmacy Library Committee since 1984, and served as chair from 1987-1991.
Speth has also been a member of the WSU Faculty Senate Library Committee since 1992, and
served as chair 1992-1993.
Other committees that Speth has worked with include the Ad-Hoc Committee to Develop a
Library Survey (1996-1997) and the Provost’s Steering Committee for the Libraries (1995-1998,
chair 1996-1997).
While a member of the Ad-Hoc Committee on WSU Libraries in the 21st Century, Speth
co-authored an article, “WSU Libraries in the 21st Century: Meeting the Needs of Faculty and
Graduate Assistants on All WSU Campuses,” that was published in the May 1998 issue of the
Journal of Academic Librarianship.
A reception for Speth will be held at 4:15 p.m., April 14, in the Kamiak Room on the fourth
floor of Holland Library.