Values of ‘Generation X’ Focus of Student Leader Day Address

SEATTLE, Wash. — Despite prevailing stereotypes of today’s young people — the so-called
“Generation X” — as self-centered, impatient “takers” who care little about competence and
quality, recent research has shown that they are hard workers who believe in the value of
education, appreciate diversity and respect competence.
“The lesson for all of us is a timeless one,” said Chris Paxson, associate dean of the College
of Business and Economics at Washington State University. “We have much in common.
Learning from one another, developing mutual understanding and cooperation benefits all of
Paxson will deliver the keynote luncheon address at the annual King County Student Leader
Day at 12:30 p.m. Monday, April 5, in the Dome Room, Arctic Building, 700 Third Avenue, in
Seattle. Student Leader Day has been sponsored by the Metropolitan King County Council for
the past 25 years. The event brings together the region’s high school students with elected
officials and county employees for a special day of learning.
This year 70 students, representing public, private and alternative high schools in King
County, will spend the day shadowing county employees and touring various county sites.
Chris Paxson also is an associate professor with the Hotel and Restaurant Administration
Program at Washington State University. A psychologist by training, Paxon earned her
doctorate from WSU. Before joining the College of Business and Economics at WSU, she worked
as a factory laborer, welfare caseworker and in the hospitality industry.