WSU Marketing Students Partner with Wells Fargo

PULLMAN, Wash. — For the first year ever, a select group of marketing students from
Washington State University has joined forces with Wells Fargo in a semester-long project to
increase the brand awareness and availability of Wells Fargo’s online banking services to the
students of WSU.
This student-run marketing project consists of 23 individuals who have been competitively
prescreened for their talent, creativity and desire to succeed. The students are enrolled in
Marketing 460, “Marketing Management,” and are under the guidance of Steven Silverman,
assistant professor of marketing. These students have formed their own agency, “Think Inc.,”
and are responsible for planning, promoting and executing their ideas.
This project provides the students of Think Inc. with a unique opportunity to gain practical
business experience and develop an innovative marketing plan while still in college. As part of
this educational program, Wells Fargo has donated $2,500 for “Think Inc.” to manage and use to
cover the costs of producing the campaign.
Think Inc. has joined forces with “Visionary Concepts,” another student-run marketing
agency working on a similar project for local car dealership Chipman & Taylor
Chevrolet-Oldsmobile and General Motors. The two student agencies will coordinate a
campus-wide event April 14 on the Glenn Terrell Mall on the WSU campus. Their combined
festivities will attract thousands of students, faculty and staff, and feature live music, food,
games and prizes.
EdVenture Partners, a California-based educational marketing company, works with students
in universities throughout the United States to help create such educational marketing events.
An EdVenture representative is assigned to Think Inc. and Silverman throughout the semester as
a liaison between the group and Wells Fargo.