Glenn L. Johnson Appointed Interim Dean of Business and Economics

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University has appointed Glenn L. Johnson interim
dean of the College of Business and Economics, effective this June.
Johnson has been serving as director of the School of Accounting, Information Systems
and Business Law. He succeeds Gale Sullenberger, who has been named dean of the College of
Business Administration at the University of Tulsa.
WSU Provost Gretchen Bataille noted that Johnson is director of the fastest growing
programs in the business college.
“The college will be preparing its self study for the accreditation review during 1999 and
2000. The review will take place during 2000 and 2001. Glenn will provide leadership for the
college during this critical time,” Bataille said. His appointment term as interim dean is until June
30, 2001.
Johnson joined the WSU faculty in 1979 as professor and chair of the department of
accounting and business law. He formerly taught at the University of Kansas and the University
of California, Berkeley. Johnson earned his doctorate in accounting and finance from U.C.
Berkeley in 1965. He is a graduate of the University of Washington, where he also earned a
master’s in business administration degree.
Johnson is the co-author of three textbooks and numerous journal articles in the field of
accounting and financial analysis.