WSU Regents to Consider New Seats for Martin Stadium End Zone

PULLMAN, Wash. — The Washington State University Board of Regents will meet at 1:30
p.m. this Friday, March 5, at the Lewis Alumni Centre.
Among its agenda items, the board will be asked to approve the replacement of existing
wooden bleachers in the east end zone of Martin Stadium. These are the last remaining seats
from the original stadium built in 1936. The aging wooden seats have deteriorated and are now a
safety concern.
If approved, the new concrete bleachers with metal seats will match the existing seating
throughout most of Martin Stadium. More than 2,000 seats will be replaced. The project is
expected to cost $826,000.
The regents will also hear a progress report on the university’s preparations for the 10-year
review of its accreditation. The Commission on Colleges of the Northwest Association of
Schools and Colleges is the accrediting body. The review occurs in mid-April.
The regents meeting is open to the public.

Note to reporters: Reporters may pick up copies of the agenda at the door. Advance copies of
the agenda are available from the WSU Office of News and Information.