WSU Students Rimando and Howell Named to USA Today All-Academic Team

PULLMAN, Wash. — A Washington State University student and a recent WSU graduate
have been named to the 1999 USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team.
Third team member Rosannette “Rosie” Hernandez Rimando, from Bainbridge Island, is a
WSU senior. After graduating from the university in May with a bachelor’s degree in English and
a secondary education certification to teach, she will student teach at a Puget Sound area high
school this fall.
Honorable mention member Erika Howell, from Prosser, graduated in agricultural economics
from WSU in December. She will attend the University of Idaho Law School starting this fall.
Named to the team by two separate judging panels working in cooperation with USA
TODAY, the national daily newspaper, Rimando and Howell were among more than 120 students
named from colleges nationwide to first, second and third teams and honorable mention. There
were a total of 984 nominees. The judges considered grades, activities, leadership and public
At WSU, Rimando, who has a 3.86 grade point average, is active with the Filipino American
Student Association, the National Filipino American Youth Association, the Washington State
Filipino American Student Alliance and the WSU Asian American and Pacific Islander Student
USA TODAY complimented Rimando for co-chairing an alliance conference that
“encouraged participants to come up with plans to be implemented immediately.”
In October, Rimando was honored during the 1998 Washington State University
Multicultural Student Convocation. She received the “Multicultural Scholar Award” for academic
achievement and the “Multicultural Leadership Award” for involvement and student activism,
both from the university’s Council of Multicultural Student Presidents.
The daughter of Emma and Rodrigo Rimando of Bainbridge Island, Rimando is a 1995
graduate of Bainbridge Island High School.
Rimando is grateful to many. After learning she made the USA TODAY team she said, “The
first thing I did was call my parents. This is as much their accomplishment as it is my own. I’m
grateful also to my ‘family’ here at WSU — those staff and faculty members and peers who have
encouraged and supported me.”
Howell graduated with a 4.00 grade point average, studying in the WSU Honors College. Her
WSU activities including serving as College of Agriculture and Home Economics Student
Ambassadors president, Mortar Board Honor Society communications coordinator, and
Agribusiness/Agricultural Economics Club historian. She was active in Student Alumni
Connection and took part in university intramural sports. Her college honors included 1998
College of Agriculture and Home Economics Junior of the Year, and WSU President’s Leadership
Award, 1997 College of Agriculture and Home Economics Freshman of the Year, and 1999
Department of Agricultural Economics Senior of the Year. She is a member of Alpha Zeta
agricultural and Golden Key national honor societies.
“I am completely surprised to be selected for this great honor,” said Howell. “I am thankful
for the professors and staff at WSU who have helped me excel and develop not only
academically but also personally.”
A 1995 graduate of Prosser High School, Howell is the daughter of Bill and Lynette Howell
of Prosser.
Rimando and Howell are the eighth and ninth representatives of WSU selected to the
All-Academic Team in the team’s 10 years of existence. Previous WSU members of USA Today
All-USA College Academic Teams include Justin Jacob, mathematics, 1998; Tiffany Somers,
agricultural economics, 1997; Tonya McPheeters, agribusiness, 1995; Steve Setter, pharmacy,
1994; Julie Kerr, mathematics, 1993; Barbara Aston, child, consumer and family studies, 1991; and
Mark Ruark, agricultural economics, 1990.
The team was announced nationally in the Feb. 25 issue of USA TODAY. Included in the
same issue are photos of Aston, selected by the newspaper as the Class of 1991 representative
honoring the 10th anniversary of the team. She is now a WSU assistant to the provost working
on Native American issues.