WSU Pharmaceutical Sciences Gets New Chair

PULLMAN, Wash. — Raymond M. Quock has been appointed chair of the Washington State University Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
He succeeds interim chair Richard T. Okita, who returns to teaching and research.
Quock obtained his bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of San Francisco in 1970 and his doctoral degree in pharmacology from the University of Washington in 1974.
“I have a commitment to maintaining the quality of teaching,” Quock said in a recent interview. Research is important, he said, but he will also emphasize helping the younger faculty develop their teaching skills.
An award-winning teacher, Quock received seven Raymond B. Allen Instructorship (Golden Apple) Awards from the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford. In 1992, he was the recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award at Rockford, and in 1998, Quock was recognized by the Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at the University of Illinois in Chicago.
He had been a member of the faculty at the College of Medicine at Rockford since 1989. Quock also has taught at the UW, the University of Pacific School of Pharmacy in Stockton, Calif., and the Marquette University School of Dentistry in Milwaukee, Wisc.
His research interest is in the area of neuropsychopharmacology, involving drugs that affect brain function and behavior. His work is currently supported by two three-year grants from the National Institute for Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health, and he is studying drug abuse in relation to pain and anxiety relief.
Quock and his wife, Lina, who is an art teacher, have three children at home.
