City, WSU Set Program on Alcohol, Violence for Jan. 12

PULLMAN, Wash. — Issues of alcohol and campus violence will be the topic for a community-wide meeting Jan. 12, sponsored by the City of Pullman and the Washington State University Office of Student Affairs.
The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Compton Union Building Cascade Room.
Those attending will see a videotape of the national teleconference that WSU sponsored recently called “Alcohol Abuse and Campus Violence: Rebellion, Rights and Responsibilities.” That teleconference was aired at 100 university campuses across the country.
In addition, city attorney Thomas Kingen will explain the proposed city ordinance relating to public drinking that is due for further discussion by the City Council on Jan. 26. Informal discussion will follow.
“Issues relating to alcohol and student behavior are not unique to Pullman, but rather are a national problem,” John Sherman, Pullman city supervisor, said. “Solving these problems will require a broad-based approach with the involvement of many members of the Pullman community, including WSU students.”
Sherman said the Jan. 12 event will be a useful educational opportunity on the issues, given the participation of a number of national experts in the teleconference.
Gus Kravas, WSU vice provost for students affairs, noted that the meeting “should provide our students with an excellent opportunity to learn first-hand what the impact of the proposed ordinances may have on the community. At the same time, it will give everyone a chance to view the tape of a timely conference aired nationwide.”
For more information, contact the city at 334-4555 or the Office of Student Affairs at 335-4531.
