WSU Professor Cited for Animal Research Education

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University veterinary pharmacology Professor Robert C. Speth is the recipient of this year’s Dr. Louis J. Kettel Memorial Award.
The award is given annually by the Incurably Ill For Animal Research, an organization of incurably ill patients who support animal research. Speth received the award at the National Animal Interest Alliance Conference in Portland, Ore., in recognition of his outstanding dedication to public education regarding the importance of continued, responsible animal research.
Speth has been at WSU for more than 14 years and is president of the Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics. He said he was “thrilled to have received the award.”
“Responsible animal research remains a key component of many scientific investigations leading to ever increasing health and well-being of both humans and animals,” said Speth. “As a scientist, I feel a great responsibility to educate the public on the value of animal research. This award is a validation of my efforts for which I am most grateful.”
