Struckmeyer, Pierson Named to WSU Ombudsman Positions

PULLMAN, Wash. — Ken Struckmeyer has been named the new faculty ombudsman, while Penne Pierson will become the A/P ombudsman.
“Both of these individuals have positively served WSU for many years,” said Douglas Baker, vice provost for academic affairs. “That experience gives them insight to the university and how it operates. It was clear from the feedback of the selection committee and the WSU community that they were trusted by their peers.”
“Such trust is critical to the successful operation of the Ombudsman Office,” Baker said.
Struckmeyer and Pierson join graduate student Abayomi “AJ” Adejokun, who was appointed as an ombudsman earlier in the fall. The three hold newly authorized half-time positions.
Struckmeyer, a member of the landscape architecture faculty for 28 years, has served on numerous college and university committees, and is chair of the Academic Affairs Committee.
He has served as faculty adviser of the student chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects and Alpha Zeta. Struckmeyer also has served as a coach for the men’s rowing team for many years. He is a member of the WSU Summer Alive Advising Program and planning committee.
Pierson, a WSU staff member since 1970, chairs the WSU Regents Distinguished Alumnus Award Committee and serves on the Employee Excellence Committee. She is the program coordinator for the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies and was administrative assistant to the dean of the College of Business and Economics from 1989-98.
She also has served on a number of university and community boards and committees and is a past president of the YMCA Board of Directors.
