WSU to Phase Out Seattle Hospitality Program

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University announced this week that its westside hospitality program, the Seattle Center for Hotel & Restaurant Administration, is being phased out. SCHRA will remain in operation through Spring 2000, allowing its 40 juniors and seniors already certified as majors to complete their four-year baccalaureate degrees. But, effective immediately, no new students will be accepted for enrollment.
A. Gale Sullenberger, dean of the WSU College of Business & Economics, said, “Our decision to phase out the SCHRA program comes after careful and thorough consideration.” SCHRA enrollment and the cost to run a quality program there were examined. It was decided to concentrate efforts on the outstanding hospitality program that is currently in Pullman, he said.
The WSU Hotel & Restaurant Administration Program is consistently ranked among the top five percent of hospitality programs in the nation, and resources will be devoted to maintaining that standard.
HRA Director W. Terry Umbreit announced the phase out to SCHRA students in person at classes on Tuesday, just a week following his meeting with HRA Advisory Committee members. They voted to support the college’s decision. “Faculty and staff will work with SCHRA students on an individual basis to be sure their goals are met as they complete their bachelor’s degrees,” he said.
SCHRA was created in 1975 as the westside arm of the long-established WSU HRA program in Pullman. SCHRA was housed at Seattle University until 1994, when it made its new home at Seattle Central Community College.
In addition to the four-year degree program, hospitality industry professionals have been able to take continuing education courses through SCHRA. Umbreit said this week that discussions are underway to determine the feasibility of providing the popular Hospitality Management Professional Development program in a distance learning format offered from WSU.
HRA in Pullman serves 250 certified majors. Hotel & Restaurant Administration is also available as a minor. HRA students served in a record number of internships around the nation and world this year. And, upon graduation, most receive at least four career job offers.
