State Department Reps at WSU/UI

PULLMAN, Wash. — Representatives of the U.S. State Department will take part in a Foley Institute
policy forum on the Washington State University campus Tuesday, Oct. 20, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 212 of
the Compton Union Building.
Mark G. Hambley, a career diplomat, and Steve Aoki, a physicist involved in controlling weapons
proliferation, also are featured speakers at a “Foreign Policy Town Hall Meeting” scheduled for Monday,
Oct. 19, at 7 p.m. in the SUB Ballroom on the University of Idaho campus. They also will appear before
several classes at WSU and UI.
Their appearances are part of a State Department program to increase awareness and public
understanding of current foreign policy issues and to encourage public engagement in the policy process.
Hambley is a native of Idaho and has been with the Foreign Service since 1971. He served as
ambassador to Qatar during the Gulf War and later to Lebanon. Presently, he is Special Representative to
the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development and Special Negotiator on Climate Change.
Aoki is director of the Office of Regional Nonproliferation in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.
The office is responsible for addressing weapons of mass destruction proliferation in the regional security
context, including United Nations sanctions on Iraq and nuclear materials security in the post-cold war