Dean Search Committees Appointed

PULLMAN, Wash. — Committees to conduct searches for deans for the College of Pharmacy and the
College of Engineering and Architecture have been appointed by Gretchen M. Bataille, Washington State
University provost.
Dorothy Detlor, dean of nursing, will chair the pharmacy search committee. Other members include
Pullman pharmacy faculty Marc Fariss and Richard Okita; Danial Baker and Lori Schoonover, WSU
Spokane; Ellen Jampol, pharmacy development; and Jim Krueger, veterinary medicine. Bess Kamikawa is a
student representative on the committee. Linda Garrelts of Spokane represents pharmacy alumni, and Paul
Hendrickson of Dayton, a member of the Pharmacy Advisory Board, also serves on the committee.
James Zuiches, dean of agriculture and home economics, will chair the search committee for
engineering and architecture. Faculty appointed to the committee include Theresa Fiez, electrical
engineering and computer science; Ken Carper, architecture; Brian Lamb, civil and environmental
engineering; Russ Westphal, mechanical and materials engineering, WSU Tri-Cities; Claudio Stockle,
biological systems engineering; and James Lee and Knona Liddell, chemical engineering. Other members are
Vicki Ruddick, secretary supervisor, civil and environmental engineering; Steve Kuehn, graduate student;
and Ed Schweitzer, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Pullman.