Series on Russian Far East Planned by WSU, UI

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University and University of Idaho faculty will begin a series
of programs about the Russian Far East next week on the WSU campus.
The first program in the “The Land and Its Wealth” series is set for
7:30 p.m. Oct. 6 at the Moscow Community Center. WSU crop and soil sciences department chair Thomas
A. Lumpkin will discuss “Nature and Agriculture in the Russian Far East,” while Margrit von Braun, UI
environmental science program director, will present the topic “Environmental Pollution in the Russian Far
East: A Legacy of Lead.”
Birgitta Ingemanson, WSU Russian Area Studies director, said Russia is going through an economically
and politically difficult time.
“But there is more to Russia than these hardships,” she added. She and other organizers hope the
presentations will increase interest and information so others can draw parallels between the Russian Far
East and the Pacific Northwest.
All presenters have visited the area and worked with colleagues there. The Russian Far East with its
nature and animal world, mineral resources and city life has the intriguing features of a natural and cultural
crossroads, Ingemanson said. “Bears live alongside tigers; mountain ash and fir trees thrive next to ginseng
and lotus flowers; and its major city, Vladivostok, is an unusual blend of European and Russian influences
in the midst of East Asia.”
The series continues Oct. 13 with a 7:30 p.m. presentation, “Tigers and Development: Can They Live
Together in the Russian Far East?” by Howard Quigley, president of UI’s Hornocker Wildlife Institute.
The talk is planned for the Moscow Community Center.
Ingemanson will present the final talk in the series, “‘And It Was Very Jolly’: American Letters from
Vladivostok, 1894-1930.” The Nov. 5 presentation is set for 4:10 p.m. in Wegner G-1.