President Names Task Force on Enrollment Management

PULLMAN, Wash. — A newly appointed presidential task force on enrollment management at Washington State Univesity will identify successful enrollment management models at other universities and make recommendations for changes here, university officials said Wednesday.
“The future success of the Washington State University system depends significantly upon the quality, career ambitions and numbers of students, both graduate and undergraduate, that we attract, retain and graduate,” WSU President Samuel Smith said in appointing the task force.
“We have been very successful this year in attracting record enrollment to WSU statewide, including a significant increase in our freshman class,” Smith said. “We want to make sure that our enrollment management procedures are the best available, so that we will have that kind of success on a consistent basis.”
The task force will examine effective enrollment management and marketing programs at other universities, and recommend approaches to be used at WSU. In addition, the task force will recommend a method for determining the quality, number and academic interests of students WSU wishes to attract to its campuses and extended programs during the next 10 years.
Smith said the university expects to appoint a vice provost for enrollment management during the coming academic year to lead this important function and implement the recommended changes.
Jane Lawrence, WSU Honors College director, will chair the 22-member task force that is expected to complete its work by the end of fall semester.
Other members include Erica Austin, associate professor, Murrow School of Communication; Carla Caballero-Jackson, assistant director, Scholarship Services; Barbara Couture, dean, College Liberal Arts; Karen DePauw, interim dean, Graduate School; Edward DePuit, chair, Natural Resource Sciences; Sam Kindred, vice president for Business Affairs; Gus Kravas, vice provost for Student Affairs; and Joan Menzies, Student Services director, WSU Spokane.
Other members are Cliff Moore, assistant director, Extended University Services; Wendy Peterson, interim director, Admissions; Barbara Petura, assistant vice president for University Relations; Joe Rei, enrollment manager, Student Affairs; Jim Rimpau, director, Institutional Research; Mary Sanchez Lanier, assistant dean, College of Sciences; and Jane Sherman, associate vice provost for Academic Affairs.
Additional members are David Stock, professor, Mechanical and Materials Engineering; Gale Sullenberger, dean, College of Business and Economics; Pat Wright, director, Multicultural Student Services, WSU Tri-Cities; Nancy Youlden, Enrollment Management director, WSU Vancouver; Dorothy Graber, a graduate student; and Christine Schuck, an undergraduate student.
