WSU Seeks Applicants for Human Rights Commission

PULLMAN, Wash. — Applicants are being sought to represent Washington State University on the Pullman Human Rights Commission being established by WSU, the City of Pullman, the Pullman School District and the Pullman Chamber of Commerce.
WSU representatives may be faculty, staff or students. Individuals interested in serving are asked to write to the Office of the President, attention Human Rights Commission. Personal information should include name, address, phone number, e-mail address and current position at WSU. Applicants should also express in 500 words or less the reasons for their interest in the position and relevant background.
Deadline for applications is Sept. 18.
Copies of an implementation plan for the commission can be obtained at the Office of the Vice President for Extended University Affairs, Room 442, French Administration Building.
The idea for a Human Rights Commission was born with the Livability Task Force formed in 1997 by executives of the university, city and chamber, which considered ways in which the university and community could work together. The school district joined the task force soon after its formation.
Each participating agency will appoint three members to the commission. Terms of appointment will be staggered to allow for orderly rotation, with the longest term set at three years.
The commission will address climate issues within the community and human rights concerns particularly as they relate to religion, persons of color, international visitors and residents, persons with disabilities, gay/lesbian/ transgendered persons, women, seniors and low-income individuals and families, according to the implementation plan preamble.
There are several effective groups within each of the participating agencies dealing with issues of discrimination, intolerance, hate and harassment, said T.L. Purce, WSU vice president for Extended University Affairs and a task force member. “However, the leadership of each organization feels their combined influence in the form of a Human Rights Commission can deal more effectively with climate issues that impact the entire community.”
