Internet Offers WSU’s 1916, 1931 Rose Bowl Video Clips

PULLMAN, Wash.–Starting today (Dec. 23), the Internet is providing a virtual time machine for Washington State University Cougar football fans and sports buffs everywhere who can’t get their fill of Rose Bowl spirit and lore.
Click on the World Wide Web site for Northwest Public Radio, choose the Rose Bowl link and travel back in time to the very first Rose Bowl game in 1916, as well as the parade in Pasadena. Floats pulled by horses and football players competing in leather helmets are in action. WSU beat Brown University that year, 16-0, in a game pitched as a West Coast – East Coast championship.
Also on the web site are video clips of WSU’s 1931 Rose Bowl game, and of all 11 games from WSU’s 1997 season, starting with the victory over UCLA and ending with the victory over the University of Washington. That latter win sent the Cougars to the Rose Bowl for the first time in 67 years.
According to Dave Cillay, the outreach manager for WSU’s Educational Telecommunication and Technology division, the historic films were digitized and made available through a video streaming server.
“I especially like the 1916 clips because each player is shown with his name,” Cillay said. There’s also Coach William H. “Lone Star” Dietz, who coached the team that year. And legendary J. Fred “Doc” Bohler, who was by then both athletic director and team trainer.
The URL for Northwest Public Radio is . Click on the Cougarhead logo for links to both the video clips and to the upcoming Internet audio presentation of the Rose Bowl Jan. 1 with play-by-play by Bob Robertson, the voice of the Cougars.
Those who need to download the audio- and video-players from Real Networks can find directions to do so free, right from the Northwest Public Radio web site, Cillay said.
Northwest Public Radio is a regional system of 10 public radio stations based at Washington State University. This year is the 75th anniversary of the launch of the first station in the system, KWSU AM.
