WSU Provost Appoints Dean Search Committees

PULLMAN, Wash.–Appointment of the search committees to identify candidates for consideration as new deans of the colleges of Liberal Arts and Education at Washington State University has been confirmed by Provost Gretchen M. Bataille.
Gale Sullenberger, dean of the College of Business and Economics, will chair the 14-member committee for education. The group’s first meeting occurred this week. Advertisements for the position will begin appearing this month, and applications and nominations are due by Jan. 15.
Members of the education search committee include teaching faculty Sally Blank, Sue Durrant, Brian McNeil, Jerry Milligan, Thomas Ruff and Ed Udd. Others are Milton Lang, student recruiter; Mary Jane Neill, teacher, Pullman High School; Nils Peterson, director, Center for Technology; Kerry Raghavendra, development director; Gene Sharratt, superintendent, Educational Service District 171, Wenatchee; Sherry Vaughan, associate dean, WSU Vancouver; and Karen Williams, graduate student.
Chairing the search for dean of Liberal Arts is Robert Altenkirch. Included in the 15-member committee are teaching faculty LeRoy Ashby, history; Erica Austin, communication; Tom Brigham, psychology; Marilyn Ihinger-Tallman, sociology; Carol Ivory, fine arts; Ana Maria Rodriguez-Vivaldi, foreign languages and literatures; Victor Villanueva, English; and Greg Yasinitski, music and theatre arts. Also on the committee are Deb Dzuck, development director; Deborah Haynes, director, Women’s Studies; Tim Hunt, associate dean, WSU Vancouver; Lincoln James, acting chair, Comparative American Cultures; Lance LeLoup, chair, political science; and Sharon Bird, sociology graduate student.
Review of applications will begin in January and plans call for the new education dean to begin in July, according to Altenkirch.
