WSU to Offer New Extended Business Degree

SEATTLE, Wash.–Washington State University will begin a pilot program in January that eventually will make a bachelor’s degree in business available statewide via distance education technology.
The WSU Board of Regents approved the plan during its meeting here Friday (Nov. 21).
The WSU College of Business and Economics in cooperation with Extended University Services will deliver the business administration degree program to Grays Harbor, Peninsula, Walla Walla and Skagit Valley community colleges beginningwith spring semester 1998.
Plans also call for the Extended Degree Program’s new degree to be available later at Learning Centers serving several Native American reservations. Eventually the business degree is expected to be extended statewide through the K-20 interactive community college sites and other WSU Learning Centers.
The degree received endorsement of the state Higher Education Coordinating Board earlier this year and was recently approved by the WSU Faculty Senate. It was developed by business and economics faculty and Extended University Services in response to interest shown by individuals and groups throughout the state.
The regents also approved completion of construction contracts and modifications to two scholarship endowment agreements.
Provost Gretchen Bataille told regents she soon will appoint a diversity assessment committee to conduct an overall review of programs dealing with diversity issues.
She said the university is doing a great many positive things to improve the social climate in regards to race, class and gender, but there are gaps in the program. “The gaps are giving us grief,” the provost said.
The committee will have wide representation and appointment of members will be announced in the near future, Bataille said.
