WSU Parents Program Awards $35,000

PULLMAN, Wash.–At the annual Dad’s Weekend breakfast Nov. 8 on campus, the Parents Program at Washington State University awarded $35,000 to student organizations and programs that benefit students.
The following designations were made for the 1997-98 academic year: Dad’s Weekend Committee, $4,300; Mom’s Weekend Committee, $4,300; Alive! at WSU, the new student orientation program, $3,500; Intramural Sports, $3,500; and Crimson Company show choir, $2,700. The Cougar Marching Band and Women’s Transit Program both received $2,500, and Men’s Crew received $1,300. Receiving $1,000 each were the Madrigal Singers/Trumpet Ensemble and the Palouse Regional Crisis Line.
Others receiving funds included YMCA at WSU, $900; Black Women’s Caucus, $850; ChiLASTAL, the Chicano/Latino Student Alliance, $850; Ku-Au-Mah, Native American Student Alliance, $850; Student Leadership Colloquium Committee, $800; Student Alumni Connection, $750; and Rodeo Club, $700. Three groups received $500 each–ASWSU Broadcast Committee-KZUU 90.7M, Compton Union Gallery and YWCA of WSU.
The Bowling Club was awarded $400; Men’s Volleyball, $300; Block and Bridle Club, $250; and Mortar Board, $250.
The Parents Program received requests for funds totaling $65,000.
New Parents Program officers are President Dedra Osborn, Ephrata; Vice President Jane Andrew, Kirkland; Secretary/Treasurer Keith Lincoln, executive director the WSU Alumni Association; and Associate Secretary/Treasurer Ginny Boyle, associate director of the WSU Alumni Association. Board members include Past President Bill Phillips, Eugene, Ore.; Greg Adams, Kennewick; and Brigid Graham, Bellevue.
