Utah Governor to Keynote WSU Learning Conference

PULLMAN, Wash.–Gov. Mike Leavitt of Utah, cofounder of the Western Governors University, will deliver the keynote address at a conference, “Lifelong Learning: Meeting New Needs in New Ways,” at Washington State University Wednesday, Nov. 5.
Leavitt’s presentation is scheduled for 8:15 a.m. in the senior ballroom of the Compton Union Building.
The conference brings together national leaders from education and industry to discuss new concepts and programs for distance education, applications of technology and the development of new partnerships for broadening access to education.
Among the featured panelists are C. Peter Magrath, president of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, and John V. Byrne, executive director of the Kellogg Commission and president emeritus of Oregon State University. They will join WSU President Samuel Smith in a discussion of the future of state and land-grant universities.
Delivering the conference luncheon address will be Kathleen Ross, president of Yakima’s Heritage College, speaking on “A Grassroots Approach to the Access Question.”
Registration for the conference is required. The fee presently is $99 and increases to $129 after Nov. 3.


Editors: A news conference with Gov. Leavitt is planned for 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5 in Room 232 of the Compton Union Building.