Chemistry Professor Honored at American Chemical Society Meeting

PULLMAN, Wash. — Glenn A. Crosby, Washington State University professor of chemistry and materials science, is being honored this week at the 52nd Northwest Regional American Chemical Society meeting.
Crosby’s nationally acclaimed accomplishments both as an innovator of chemistry teacher education programs and as a researcher in molecular electronic spectroscopy are being recognized. The NWR ACS meeting, being sponsored by the University of Idaho at the University Inn in Moscow, dedicated to Crosby a symposium track devoted to the discussion of educational issues on Friday. On Saturday the WSU Department of Chemistry continues the recognition with meetings focused on his research area at the Fulmer Chemistry Building on the WSU campus. The event closes with a banquet and poster session on Saturday evening in the WSU Compton Union Building.
On Friday and Saturday, programs will feature former students and colleagues of Crosby. J. Ivan Legg, Provost, University of Memphis and former WSU chemistry chair, will present the educational discourse Friday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. The plenary research address, at 1:15 Saturday, will be given by Michael Kasha, postdoctoral mentor of Crosby. Former students from two teacher training programs he founded – the MA in Chemistry and Operation Progress – will present a poster session Saturday night at the banquet site.
Crosby came to WSU in 1967 and is the founder of the popular Cougar Summer Sciences Camp for high school students. Among his many awards are the 1975 Washington Science Teacher of the Year award, the 1990 Mortar Board Distinguished Professor, and the WSU Faculty Excellence Award for both Teaching and Public Service. In 1985 he received the ACS Award in Education. His extensive national service to research and science education has included service on the ACS board of directors, as chair of the ACS Education Committee and as district director.
