WSU, UO Archivists Named First Winners of NWA Awards

SPOKANE, Wash.–Archivists from Washington State University and the University of Oregon have been honored by Northwest Archivists, Inc. (NWA) with the organization’s first ever “Emeritus Member” awards.

John Guido, head of WSU’s Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections, and Keith Richard, who retired last fall after 24 years as the UO’s archivist, received the honors. Guido will retire later this year after 20 years with WSU.

The awards were given here May 16, during NWA’s annual meeting, in recognition of their service to NWA, their universities, and the archives profession.

Guido and Richard are former presidents of the organization, a regional association of professional archivists, users of archives, and others interested in the preservation and use of archival materials in the Pacific Northwest. Founded in the mid-1970s, NWA has nearly 170 members, primarily from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Alaska, and Montana.

“John and Keith were monumentally important to the development of our organization and the archives profession in the Pacific Northwest,” said Michael Holland, NWA immediate past president, former Oregon State University archivist and now University of Missouri archives director. “The majority of archivists practicing in the Pacific Northwest today owe them a debt of gratitude for what they have taught all of us about the profession and regional archival organizations.”

During his 1991-1992 presidency, Guido “reanimated” the NWA board of directors and increased membership involvement and leadership in the organization, said Holland. “It became much more creative” in finding ways to serve NWA and the profession. In addition, he has been a frequent presenter at annual meetings and conducted important fund-raising for the organization.


For additional information, contact Lawrence A. Landis, acting University Archivist, Oregon State University, Corvallis, 541/737-2165; and John Guido, head, Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections, Washington State University, 509/335-6272.