Electrical Engineer Wins NSF ‘Early Career Award’ for Research

PULLMAN, Wash.–Washington State University’s Kartikeya Mayaram, associate professor in electrical engineering, this summer begins receiving $50,000 a year for four years from the National Science Foundation, under the Faculty Early Career Development Program.
He won this competitive CAREER grant for his research in the design and simulation of high-performance and high-frequency communication integrated circuits. Mayaram basically develops software that helps design the integrated circuits that run such communication devices as cellular phones, multimedia computers and high definition television. Such computer-aided design (CAD) tools increase the productivity of the chip designers, ensure faster, more reliable and functional results, thereby driving down the prices of cell phones and other wireless/personal communications.
The CAREER funds will be applied to his research and a virtual laboratory will be established in the process, which will educate students in the analysis and design of transistors and circuits and in CAD tool development.
Mayaram has been with WSU’s School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for one year, having been a member of the technical staff, project leader and manager at Bell Labs, Allentown, Penn., for four years developing integrated circuit computer-aided analysis software first for AT&T and then Lucent Technologies. Prior to that, he worked for Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas.
He earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 1988 from the University of California, Berkeley, from which he won the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award in 1987. He received a master’s degree in electrical engineering in 1982 from the State University of New York, Stony Brook; and a bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronics engineering, with distinction, in 1981 from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India.
His activities include being associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design; co-editor of Simulation and Modeling, IEEE Circuits and Devices (94-95); a member of the technical program committees; and session program chair of Custom Integrated Circuits Conferences (93-97) and International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (91).
“Dr. Mayaram’s expertise in computer-aided design tools complements WSU’s analog and mixed-signal integrated circuit design program,” said Anjan Bose, director of EECS. “He plays a major part in our NSF Center for Design of Analog/Digital Integrated Circuits, as well as our school’s new Communication Microelectronics Center, which is developing in response to industry growth in Washington.
“This CAREER award recognizes Mayaram’s past accomplishments and will advance his research in design of high-frequency integrated circuits. Other beneficiaries are our students and tomorrow’s consumers of wireless communication technologies.”

Mayaram may be reached at 509/335-6373, email karti@eecs.wsu.edu