WSU Scientist Discusses Food Irradiation

PULLMAN, Wash.–Fred Hoskins, professor of food and human nutrition at Washington State University, will discuss advances in food irradiation at a meeting of the Ag Bureau of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce Friday, May 2.
The presentation, “Food Irradiation, Panacea or Panic,” is scheduled for noon at the Stockyard Inn, E. 3827 Boone.
Hoskins says the United States trails many other countries in the use of irradiation for food safety and preservation. Three beneficial uses of irradiation that he believes could have immediate positive results are for exposing poultry products to make them free of salmonella, killing surface yeasts and molds on tropical fruits to lengthen shelf-life, and irradiating pork products for trichinosis to meet new import requirements of the European Union.
Hoskins’ appearance is supported by the WSU Speakers Bureau, which makes authorities on important issues available to civic groups.
