Space Sciences

Sandia physicist accepts first joint appointment with WSU

By Will Ferguson, College of Arts & Sciences PULLMAN, Wash. – Sandia National Laboratories physicist Marcus Knudson is the first joint faculty appointee to serve both Sandia and Washington State University. Using Sandia’s unique Z machine, he will enhance fundamental research into the compression of materials under extreme conditions.

Exploring the limits of life in the universe

By Will Ferguson, College of Arts & Sciences PULLMAN, Wash. – Bizarre creatures that go years without water. Others that can survive the vacuum of open space. Some of the most unusual organisms found on Earth provide insights for Washington State University planetary scientist Dirk Schulze-Makuch to predict what life could be like elsewhere in […]

WSU physicist beams down to 73rd sci-fi convention this week

By Linda Weiford, WSU News PULLMAN, Wash. – Washington State University physicist Marc Weber will boldly go where he has not gone before – to address an audience at the Super Bowl of science fiction conventions.

Through June 12: Exhibit on government management of trash

By Nella Letizia, WSU Libraries PULLMAN, Wash. – An exhibit opening this week in Washington State University’s Terrell Library continues the yearlong exploration of America’s garbage problems through the entity in charge of monitoring and fixing them: the government.

Look up – Comet Lovejoy is here

By Linda Weiford, WSU News PULLMAN, WASH. – Nature is tossing a bright celestial ball of dust and ice over the Pacific Northwest this week. Comet Lovejoy is at its peak of brightness, giving observers an opportunity to see its glow in winter’s night sky, according to Washington State University astronomer Michael Allen.