
Phyllis Eide receives WSU award as graduate mentor

By Cheryl Reed, Graduate School SPOKANE, Wash. – Phyllis Eide, associate professor of nursing at Washington State University Spokane, is recipient of the WSU Graduate School Mentor Academy Award for Excellence. She has been a faculty member in the College of Nursing since 2002 and a member of the academy since 2009.

Washington a model for suicide prevention training

By Addy Hatch, College of Nursing SPOKANE, Wash. – More than half the states mandate suicide-prevention training for public school teachers, but only seven states have policies requiring healthcare professionals to get similar training. That’s one of the findings of a research study conducted by Washington State University College of Nursing student Sara Van Natta.

Head blows in contact sports not child’s play

By Linda Weiford, WSU News SPOKANE, Wash. – Hoping to address concussion concerns and declining participation, the youth arm of the NFL in September will roll out a pilot program that alters how football is played by its youngest athletes. USA Football aims to reduce the head-banging force of the game by testing a new […]

New study to investigate role of sleep in chronic pain

By Judith Van Dongen, WSU Spokane SPOKANE, Wash. – Washington State University will lead a study to understand the relationship between sleep and chronic pain, part of a nationwide effort to address the rising abuse of opioid pain relievers and expand the arsenal of non-drug treatment options.

Prescriptions more affordable with Obamacare, Medicare D

By Eric Sorensen, WSU science writer SPOKANE, Wash. – Washington State University researchers have seen significant increases in the number of Americans who can afford to fill prescriptions following implementation of the 2003 Medicare Modernization Act and the 2010 Affordable Care Act (also called Obamacare).

Scholarship to help increase Native American nurse force

By Alli Benjamin, College of Nursing SPOKANE, Wash. – Washington State University Ph.D. nursing candidate Leslie Randall has received a $10,000 scholarship from Johnson & Johnson companies designated for American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) scholars in an effort to increase their representation among the workforce.

WSU receives federal grants to grow nursing workforce

By Alli Benjamin, College of Nursing RICHLAND, Wash. – The Washington State University College of Nursing received three federal grants totaling $1.1 million to reduce health disparities in Washington, increase access to qualified healthcare providers in rural and underserved areas and expand nurse educator preparation.