
Nov. 14: Local success highlights global entrepreneur week

By Sue McMurray, Carson College of Business PULLMAN, Wash. – Local entrepreneurs will share their experiences starting and growing companies on the Palouse at “Startup Stories: Tales of Palouse Venture Launch,” a free, public panel discussion and networking event 6-8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 14, at the BellTower event venue and entertainment house, 125 SE Spring […]

Grant brings science of stormwater pollution to businesses

By Scott Weybright, College of Agricultural, Human & Natural Resource Sciences PUYALLUP, Wash. – Businesses in the Puget Sound watershed must navigate a complex series of stormwater runoff regulations and permits. But business owners often don’t understand why those regulations exist.

Indian eatery rises from ashes with local, business support

By Hope Belli Tinney, Washington SBDC MOUNT VERNON, Wash. – As Puja and Kummar Sharma watched firefighters battle the blaze destroying their seven-month-old restaurant, they thought it was a sign: Maybe they weren’t meant to own their own restaurant. But their community wasn’t ready to let the only Indian restaurant in Skagit County disappear.

Nov. 30: Food extrusion course focuses on pulse products

By Scott Weybright, College of Agricultural, Human & Natural Resource Sciences PULLMAN, Wash. – Food processors will learn extrusion techniques for making their products in a Washington State University Extension course 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, at the WSU/UI School of Food Science at the Pullman campus.

Aug. 5: Open house celebrates small business success

By Hope Belli Tinney, Washington SBDC EVERETT, Wash. – The Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in Everett will host an open house 3-4 p.m. Friday, Aug. 5, at the Economic Alliance of Snohomish County to celebrate the successes of more than 20 Snohomish County business owners and highlight the diverse services available to help […]

Gift shop finds treasure in free business advising

By Hope Belli Tinney, Washington SBDC SEQUIM, Wash. – Theresa Rubens is a third-generation resident of Sequim whose grandchildren attend the same schools she and her husband once did. She knows as much about her community as anyone, but she didn’t know where a visitor could buy a Sequim souvenir. And that, she said, was […]

Great Clips purchase a great fit for business professor

By Hope Belli Tinney, Washington SBDC TACOMA, Wash. – Kory Brown knows business. In fact, he’s a professor of business at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma. Still, when he and his wife, Pam, decided to purchase a Great Clips franchise, they enlisted the help of the Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC).

Torklift expands exports with global market research

By Hope Belli Tinney, Washington SBDC SUMNER, Wash. – Torklift International has made hitches, suspension products, steps and more in Washington since 1976 and started building export capacity about 10 years ago. Sales in Australia have been so strong that in 2015 the company opened a warehouse and distribution center in Sydney.