Seminars offer information on early retirement

The Washington State University  Board of Regents has approved the Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive (VERI) program for participants of the WSU Retirement Plan (also commonly referred to as the TIAA-CREF plan).
WSU will make a one-time payment of $18,000 into a tax exempt medical expense plan for employees retiring under VERI.  To be eligible an employee must be a current member of the WSURP, must have been a member of the WSURP for at least 10 years, must be 55 or older before the effective date of retirement (no later than July 1, 2009) and must begin receiving a retirement payment as a result of their retirement. 
Human Resource Services will be presenting seminars to provide more information about the VERI program.  Employees are encouraged to attend a seminar prior to requesting a individual meeting with HRS personnel. 
These sessions will be available to non-Pullman participants via AMS/WECN videoconferencing.  Following are the dates and locations:
February 19
2-3:30 p.m.
Lighty 405
February 25
9 – 10:30 a.m.
Lighty 405
For complete scheduling details and to register online, use the following link to access the course information page within your WSU Online Learning Account; then click on sessions: