400 Suggestions: Committee discusses top budget-cutting ideas

Some of the most frequently raised suggestions to reduce WSU’s potential budget deficit were discussed by the University Budget Committee at its meeting Thursday.
The committee has received more than 400 suggestions and website submissions. Some of the most frequently raised ideas include:
  • Close the campus at nonpeak times
  • Establish four-day work weeks
  • Establish some number of days of mandatory unpaid leave
  • Rescind previous salary increases
  • Adopt strict policies to encourage energy conservation
  • Establish an early retirement incentive program
  • Outsource various university functions
  • Freeze discretionary travel
  • Reduce travel reimbursement rates
  • Eliminate mailings used for internal communications
If you have a suggestion you’d like to make to the University Budget Committee, click on the following link.

The committee is engaging in in-depth discussions of many of these suggestions to determine their feasibility, their possible consequences – intended and otherwise — and the potential budget savings they could generate.

The committee will continue meeting next week, with a schedule of two meetings per week. It has not established a deadline for its deliberations.
The state legislative session, during which lawmakers will deliberate on a biennial budget package, will convene on Jan. 12. Budget cuts have been recommended for the new biennium by Gov. Chris Gregoire.