A2P2 update: List of 954 courses to be cut now online

PULLMAN – The list of 954 courses that WSU proposes to cut from its catalog is now online for review and feedback by faculty, staff and students, according to Larry James, associate executive vice president.
That total is 18 percent of the 5,314 courses in the WSU catalog, close to the 20 percent reduction recommended by the Academic Affairs Program Prioritization initiative.
The courses were slated for elimination primarily because they were under-enrolled, James said. A total of 849 or 89 percent were placed on the list for that reason.
Undergraduate courses are considered to be under-enrolled if they have had 25 or fewer students total in the past three years. Graduate courses are in that category if they have enrolled 15 or fewer students total in the past three years.
To view a list of courses that have been dropped under the A2P2 initiative, click here.
Reallocating resources
Reducing the number of courses will allow the university to reallocate academic resources to areas of high demand and centrality to WSU’s mission, James said.
“The course reductions through the A2P2 initiative will serve us well as we continue to build our strongest academic programs and should also help us as we deal with the state budget situation now confronting us,” he indicated.
“We want our students to understand that reducing our course listings by about 20 percent will allow the University to redirect resources to priority courses and majors, to their benefit,” James said.
Final list to Faculty Senate
In January, following the university community review process, the finalized list will go to the Faculty Senate for its review and action.
The course elimination and program review process will take some time, and current students making normal progress should be able to complete their degree requirements.