Student-created international research poster session

PULLMAN – A poster presentation that reflects chosen themes of globalization is from 4-5 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 3 in the Compton Union Building.
Students who worked in the Education Abroad Office and the Office of International Students and Scholars, as Peer Advisers, International Peer Mentors and International Center interns, made the posters.
These students spent fall semester earning academic credit in either office. Through their respective roles and the poster session, these students significantly contributed to the internationalization of the WSU Pullman campus.
The Peer Advisor, International Peer Mentor and International Center Internship programs are the only programs of their kind at WSU.  The Peer Advisor program is an integral part of the Education Abroad Office. The goal of the program is to provide returned study abroad participants the opportunity to gain practical experience in the field of international education and advance global citizenship. Peer Advisors play a variety of roles that aid the office with promotion of education abroad opportunities. They conduct daily information sessions, develop and present at outreach events, assist students in the office and participate in special events including Education Abroad Fairs, Pre-Departure Orientation, Mom’s Weekend Open House, etc.  For more information on the Peer Advisor program, go to:
The International Peer Mentor Program is a central part of new International Student Orientation each semester and offers both international and domestic students the opportunity to gain leadership and cross-cultural communication skills.  Peer Mentors guide new students through orientation and continue to interact with their mentees throughout the semester as they build connections to the campus and the community. The International Center Internship program was created through the Office of International Students and Scholars to provide students with a diverse work environment and the opportunity to gain experience in marketing, program development and events planning.  These two groups, along with the ASWSU’s International Students’ Council comprise the International Center Student Leadership Team.  For more information on the International Peer Mentor Program and International Center Internship Program, go to: