Mayor, prof better;may leave hospital

Glenn Johnson, “Voice of the Cougars,” at the microphone announcing game
Glenn Johnson — Pullman mayor, WSU communication professor, and (public announcement) voice of Cougar sports — was admitted to Pullman Regional Hospital Sunday with what was initially described as stroke-like symptoms. Johnson showed signs of “transient global amnesia,” which essentially is short-term memory loss. After running a series of tests, it appears that the condition was caused by a spike in blood pressure.
Johnson current is listed in stable condition, according Hospital Marketing and Community Relations Director Josh Harmon. “He is due to be discharged today and expected to make a full recovery.”
“I talked with Kathy Johnson (Glenn’s wife) this morning,” said Erica Austin, interim director of the Murrow School of Communication where Johnson teaches. “Glenn was in the background making jokes, and he is improving quickly. He is still in ICU but already has a lot of his short-term memory back. He will undergo some tests today to help determine cause and treatment, and he will be out of commission for ‘at least a few’ days. 
Transient global amnesia is said to be a medical condition can happen in middle aged and elderly persons and is characterized by an episode of amnesia and bewilderment that lasts for several hours.
Kathy Johnson told KHQ-TV that doctors said there is a “99 percent chance it won’t happen again.”
“This is great news,” Austin said. She also expressed her thanks to all who have shown concern and offered to help. “By 6 a.m. I was flooded with offers from faculty and staff ready to cover his schedule.
“We’re very hopeful for Glenn’s recovery and grateful to the medical team.” 
Johnson currently cannot receive visitors. For those on campus, Austin said her department “has a card — a big one — available for all to sign by this afternoon.”