‘Buck for a bike’campaign Pullman

PULLMAN – Leadership students at WSU are seeking 200 handle bars, 100 kickstands and 100 more smiling faces, as the group works to raise money for 100 bicycles for children throughout the Palouse.

The WSU Educational Administrative Spring Leadership and Service Class (EdAD 440) is kicking off its  “Buck for a Bike” Campaign Pullman. EdAD 440, taught by
Professor Willie J. Heggins III, challenges students to donate just one dollar to make a positive impact on the lives of children in the community.

Donations will be accepted until the first of May. Donation locations include the Bookie, the Bookie II, Bank of America, US Bank, American West Bank, Washington Mutual, Dissmore’s, UREC and Cougar Depot.

Each year, Heggins’ students get involved in worthy causes within the community, individually or in small groups.
Laura Karavitis donates at The Bookie, one of the donation locations. Photo by David Arseneault, WSU Today Intern.
This semester the class is visiting the Shalom Zone soup kitchen in Spokane, fundraising for children who receive services from PATH, helping with Family Field Day activities with the YMCA, and working with campus and community organizations such as the United Way of Pullman.
In 2006, the class worked on its first big project, educating Palouse residents about responses to natural disasters and raising $3,500 in relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina.

Last spring, the class raised $14,000 and organized volunteers to restore a playground at Bellevue Apartments, a housing complex for low-income residents in Pullman.

Agencies involved with this year’s “Buck for a Bike” project include the Department of Families Together of the Palouse, the Community Action Center, the Community Child Care Center, YMCA and Palouse Area Therapeutic.

“This collaborative effort between multiple stakeholders here in the community will provide the platform of enhancing the quality of life for children throughout the Palouse community,” said Heggins.

For more information about the “Buck for a Bike” Campaign Pullman, contact Debbie Sherman at (509)332-3691.