Showcase abstracts accepted until Feb. 1

WSU’s annual Academic Showcase will be March 28, and abstracts will be accepted through Feb. 1 for this celebration of creative scholarship and research.

Guidelines for submission, as well as a submission form, can be found ONLINE @, said subcommittee chair Mary Sanchez-Lanier.

Faculty, staff and students are invited to present original scholarship, research or artistic expression. At the 2007 showcase, 331 projects were presented.

Along with the Academic Showcase, the day-long celebration known as World Class. Face to Face. Showcase will include a luncheon presentation of the Distinguished Faculty Address, a reception for WSU retirees, a reception honoring recent patent awardees, and Celebrating Excellence, the university’s recognition banquet for faculty and staff, including those recently promoted or tenured.

Fran McSweeney, vice provost for faculty affairs, is event chair. Steering committee members include Tom Brigham, Donna Clark, Chris Hoyt, Ron Mittelhammer, Jim Petersen, Mary Sanchez-Lanier, Dave Turnbull, David Whidbee and Jim Zuba.

For questions, contact Tena Old ( or 335-1467) or Janet Herrlinger ( or 335-0989).