Web gallery features art educator’s work

PULLMAN – A dozen art works created by Pauline Sameshima, assistant professor at WSU, are being featured in the on-line gallery of the Arts Based Educational Research (ABER) Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association.
Sameshima, who teaches arts integration in the WSU College of Education, won ABER’s 2007 Outstanding Dissertation Award. The works depicted on the site—both mosaics and line drawings—are from that illustrated dissertation, which was written in the form of a novel.
The book, Seeing Red: A Pedagogy of Parallax, was published by Cambria Press in 2007.

Sameshima’s creative writing, research, and a
rt-making center on curriculum studies, teacher education, art education, educational leadership, and system organization. She is particularly interested in life-history arts-informed research, a/r/tography, artful scholastic inquiry, and alternate forms of knowledge production and acknowledgment. She is the associate editor of the International Journal of Education and the Arts http://www.ijea.org/ and editor of the Innovative Educational Research Collection at Cambria Press http://www.cambriapress.com/

For more information, contact Sameshima at (509) 335-5804
or psameshima@wsu.edu.