Career Services hosts career planning events

PULLMAN – In honor of National Career Development Month, Career Services will host weeklong activities, events and workshops. Students are encouraged to attend.
Drop in to ask questions regarding job searching, resume writing and interviewing. Check out our featured “Career of the Day”. Peruse our resource room. Explore your career options!
Starting Nov. 1, Career Development Passports are available in Career Services, Lighty 180. Passports are also available in our ad in today’s Daily Evergreen. Studnts need to complete the passport activities (which include participating in workshops, visiting Career Services, and attending the “Flu” and Career Development Month guest speakers) and can use the completed passport as entry into a raffle for an iPod Nano!
Career Services is pleased to highlight Marshawn Evans, who will share her “Lessons from the Boardroom”. A serial entrepreneur, Marshawn is the CEO of Communication Counts, MEU Consulting, and EDGE. Her entrepreneurial portfolio includes work in communications consulting, diversity facilitation, and branding for athletes and entertainers.
This beauty queen turned corporate attorney combines the elegant style that led her to be runner-up for Miss America with a business brawn that had her compete on several weeks of Season 4 of NBC’s “The Apprentice”.
Marshawn will be sharing what she learned in the boardroom and how it applies to students’ next steps in life. The event is free.
Schedule of events:
Following Your Heart: Cultivating a Career to Complement a Whole Life
Monday, Nov. 5 · 12:10-1:00 pm · CUE 218
Starting Your Internship Search
Monday, Nov. 5 · 4:10-5:00 pm · CUE 209
Careers in the Non-Profit Sector
Tuesday, Nov. 6 · 3:30-5:00pm · CUE 512
Choosing a Major with Self-Assessment
Wednesday, Nov. 7 · 3:30-5pm · CUE 209
Career Services Open House
Friday, Nov. 9, 10:00am-2:00pm Lighty 180
For more information about National Career Development Month activities, contact Career Services in Lighty 180 or by calling 509-335-2546.