Headlines — Guns for faculty?; College ranking debate

Following are links to several recent media articles regarding WSU faculty and staff, or addressing issues in higher education. To see a full article, just click on the live URL link.

* InsideHigherEd.com — Profs may get guns. The Nevada Board of Regents has endorsed a plan that would allow some faculty and staff members to carry concealed guns on public-college campuses and to become reserve police officers. See http://insidehighered.com/news/2007/06/25/nevada

* InsideHigherEd.com (audio podcast) —  ‘U.S. News’ editor vs. Critic of college rankings in debate. Click on the following link to listen to the debate,  http://www.insidehighered.com/var/podcast/media/2007-06-22_iheusnewspodcast.mp3

* Columbian (Vancouver, WA) — Incoming WSU president hits the ground running; Elson Floyd talks about future changes at WSU, http://www.columbian.com/news/localNews/06212007news156519.cfm