Teaching academy inducts members

WSU’s President’s Teaching Academy will nearly double in size on April 17, when 15 new faculty leaders are added to its ranks. In addition, a ceremony will be held to recognize the contributions of the academy over the past three years.

The academy was formed three years ago with the appointment of 12 recognized faculty leaders. The group was given an assignment “to provide high-level universitywide advocacy and focused energy to enable WSU to offer the best undergraduate experience to students at a research university.”

Over the past several years, the group has:
• Participated in national workshops
• Provided teaching workshops at WSU
• Identified top priority issues to provide training on and research
• Identified the “Big Six Learning Goals of the Baccalaureate” at WSU
• Explored and supported the expansion of research experiences for undergraduates
• Identified priority goals for the Teaching Academy
• Created definitions and rubrics for the scholarship of teaching
• Provided joint workshops with the Graduate School for teaching assistants
• Hosted the provost’s speaker series on teaching and learning
• Expanded the teaching academy to help address its many goals in a more timely fashion

The April 17 ceremony will be held in the Honors College Lounge (space is limited). If faculty have ideas or feedback, they are encouraged to contact PTA members:

Current members:

Carol Anelli, entomology, chair; Nancy Blossom, Design Institute; Denny Davis, bioengineering; Duane DeTemple, mathematics, Cathy Elstad, pharmaceutical sciences; Rachel Halverson, foreign languages and culture; Renee Hoeksel, nursing (Vancouver); John Mattoon, veterinary clinical sciences; Darcy Miller, teaching and learning; Chuck Munson, management and operations; Paul Strand, psychology (Tri-Cities); and Tom Tripp, management and decision sciences (Vancouver).

Past members:
Mary Bloodsworth-Lugo
, philosophy; Ken Campbell, veterinary and comparative anatomy, pharmacology and physiology; Tom Dickinson, physics; Len Foster, educational leadership and counseling psychology; Steve Greene, veterinary clinical sciences; Jeanne Johnson, speech and hearing sciences; and Ray Quock, pharmaceutical sciences.

New members:
Kathy Beerman, food science and human nutrition; Ken Butterfield, management and operations; Michael Delahoyde, English; Roberta Emerson, nursing (Spokane); Katherine Keane, architecture; Claire Latham, business (Vancouver); Elizabeth Lindsay, libraries; Virginia Lohr, horticulture and landscape architecture; John McNamara, Animal Sciences; Fredrick Peterson, teaching and learning (Spokane); Richard Sawyer, education (Vancouver), Leslie Sprunger, veterinary and comparative anatomy, pharmacology and physiology; Ray Sun, history; Bernard Van Wie, chemical engineering; and Terrell Young, teaching and learning (Tri-Cities).

For more information please visit www.wsu.edu, and perform a word search for President’s Teaching Academy.