Employee credit union reports phishing scam

An e-mail “phishing” scam targeting Washington State Employees Credit Union members has been reported by WSECU.

The e-mail appears to come from WSECU, but in fact, comes from an unknown source shown as {service@wsecu.org} The subject line is: Alert.
The phishing scam indicates that a member’s account is about to be suspended and indicates that the user should click on the link to verify their account and remain active. 

The scam hopes to find unsuspecting members who will follow the link and then enter their account information. The ultimate goal is identity theft.

In a release, WSECU says it would never ask a member to verify his/her identity or your card number in this way on-line.  If you responded to this email, please contact us immediately to protect your account at 800-562-0999.  For further information regarding this and “Phishing” scams, please visit our homepage at www.wsecu.org and click on the “Security Link.”

Phishing scams similar to this are a regular occurance for many credit unions and banks. Never give your personal information out over the phone or e-mail to anyone you do not know, even if someone says he is with your financial institution.

Always call or visit you bank to ensure security.