Intercollaboration clicks

Integrating the Museum of Art/WSU into the lifeblood of the university is a high priority for museum staff. The year 2006 showed a significant increase in collaboration between the museum and various groups on campus. Here are three examples:

James Bledsoe, manager of cultural centers, Office of Equity and Diversity (pictured above)

Bledsoe has worked with museum staff on myriad events, most recently as chair of the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration in 2005 and 2006.

“The amount of programming we’ve been able to do has been phenomenal,” he said. “In my opinion, (the museum) has had a direct influence on campus climate, on encouraging intercultural communication, on encouraging cross-cultural learning experiences … not just for students of color, but for all of the WSU community, and the Palouse community for that matter.”

Ayad Rahmani, professor of Architecture, College of Engineering and Architecture

Students in Rahmani’s second-year design studio studied space and composition while designing a major renovation of the Museum of Art WSU. Their proposals were  critiqued by architecture faculty, museum staff, WSU administrators and design professionals from Seattle.

“It gave us an opportunity to look at something that is close, tangible and artful,” Rahmani said.

Ann Yasinitsky, clinical assistant professor of music, coordinator of woodwinds

The Solstice Wind Quintet, a WSU faculty in-residence ensemble for nearly 30 years, performs one concert each spring at the art museum.

“It’s really great because the venue is so beautiful with the art,” said Yasinitsky, who has performed with the group for 16 years. “It’s an informal setting, which is perfect for chamber music.”

Museum events with WSU & UI departments

2003: 15 events; 8 departments
2004: 23 events; 11 departments
2005: 28 events; 13 departments