Weintraub speaks during Week of Remembrance

Renowned history and biography author Stanley Weintraub will be among the speakers during WSU’s third annual “Week of Remembrance,” March 5-10, to commemorate the liberation of Nazi death and concentration camps in Europe following World War II. Weintraub is the father of WSU communication professor Erica Austin.

Weintraub is known for histories of the American Revolution and both world wars, as well as for books about George Washington, Prince Albert, George Bernard Shaw and others. He is Evan Pugh Professor Emeritus of Arts and Humanities at Penn State University.

Sponsored by the Honors College and Departments of History and of Foreign Languages and Cultures, the week’s events include:

• March 5: Film, 7 p.m., Smith CUE 203. “Der Untergang” (The Downfall; 2005), introduced by Raymond Sun, history.

• March 6: Lecture, 7 p.m., Smith CUE 203. “Götterdämmerung and Beyond” by Stanley Weintraub. He will talk about the chaos of post-war Europe, including the problems of refugees, revenge-seekers, looting, criminality, occupation and attempts to restore a semblance of order.

• March 7: Lecture, 4:10 p.m., Honors lounge. “No Ecstasy, No Joy: Liberation and the Displaced Person Camps in Germany, 1945-1957,” by Laurie Whitcomb, history.

• March 7: Film, 7 p.m., Smith CUE 203. “Rosenstrasse” (2003), introduced by Rachel Halverson, foreign languages and cultures.

• March 10: Performance, 12:10-1 p.m., Holland/Terrell Library atrium. “Musical Responses to the Holocaust,” by WSU music faculty.