Colloquium to discuss online tutoring system

Tom Dickinson, WSU Regents professor, Paul A. Anderson professor of physics, and professor of material science, will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the WSU On-Line Question and Tutoring System during a physics and astronomy colloquium on Tuesday, Oct. 18.

The title of the colloquium is “What you can do and what you can’t do with the WSU On-Line Question and Tutoring System.” It will discuss the development of a web-based questioning and tutoring system that self-grades quizzes and provides tutoring opportunities to students, while remaining easy to use by both students and instructors. The system will be demonstrated live at the colloquium.

System creators plan for the system to be released as open software in the near future.

The colloquium, sponsored by the Department of Physics and Astronomy, will take place at 4:10 p.m. in Webster B17. Those attending will have the opportunity to talk with Dickinson and enjoy coffee and refreshments before the presentation, from 3:45-4:10 p.m., in the foyer on Floor G above the lecture hall.