Mentors sought for high merit, low income scholars

Faculty and staff mentors are being sought for the Washington Achievers Scholars at WSU. These scholars are high-potential students from low-income families with a scholarship from the Washington Education Foundation. Many are first-generation college students and students of color.

Mentors are critical to the retention, graduation and leadership potential of these students. A recent College Board Report indicated that more than 40 percent of students from affluent families receive a bachelor’s degree, while only 6 percent of students from the lowest income group do so.

Mentors serve as role models and a resource to help students with the transition to the campus academic environment. Mentors share information, assist with goal setting, refer to services and professional contacts, discuss academics and offer career guidance.

There are four cohorts and a total of 137 Washington Achievers Scholars studying at WSU Pullman. The first cohort of 11 will graduate this spring. For most of these students, attending and graduating from college would not have been possible without scholarship support.

Those interested in becoming a mentor may contact Sharon Ericsson, Achievers Mentor Program Coordinator, at 335-8065 or