Baseball-Hall-of-Fame poet Linda Kittell to give reading

The Washington State University Department of English will get its spring reading series underway March 1 with a reading by faculty member Linda Kittell.

The 7:30 p.m. event will be in the Museum of Art/WSU, co-sponsor of the event. The reading is free and open to the public. A reception will follow.

Kittell, a WSU faculty member since 1984, writes poetry, fiction and non-fiction. Her work has been anthologized in many places, including “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend: Women Writers on Baseball.” She has also published in a variety of magazines and literary journals, including New England Review, The New Yorker, Elysian Fields Quarterly and South Carolina Review.

Kittell’s poetry is part of the Baseball Hall of Fame’s permanent collection.