Women’s Transit picks up three new cars

Women’s Transit volunteer drivers and passengers are safer this school year, thanks to three new cars.

The cars, 2004 Ford Tauruses, came through a collaboration of support from Facilities Operations, Business Affairs, Student Affairs, ASWSU and GPSA, to name a few. The vehicles replace 8-year-old models that were suffering from unreliable brakes and seat belts, among other wear.

Last year, Women’s Transit safely delivered more than 26,000 riders with the help of 290 volunteers.

Transit begins operations on Sept. 19. For those interested in volunteering, applications may be picked up at the Women’s Resource Center on the bottom floor of Wilson.

“This is primarily a student program, but faculty and staff can be very helpful,” said Alice Coil, director of the WRC, “especially during busy weekends like Dad’s Weekend!”