Classes of 1953, 1943 returning

A total of 120 members of the Class of 1953 will return to Washington State University April 23-24 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their graduation. Fifty-nine spouses or guests will join the honored graduates.

Keith Lincoln, executive director of the WSU Alumni Association, reports that 32 graduates of the Class of 1943 will also be returning for their 60-year celebration, along with 15 spouses or guests.

The 50-year graduates include a number of Pullman residents Midge Druffel Bashaw, Alice Riley Davis and her husband Rex Davis, Wallis Friel, Ralph Hauser, Tom Maloney and Betty Johnson Newby.

Among the 60-year honorees from Pullman are Shirley Ott Kiehn, Les Liebel, Leon Luck and Dorothy Polly Thill.

The diamond and silver graduates will be coming from as far away as Maine and Hawaii. The honored graduates will register at the Lewis Alumni Centre April 23, and attend a 6 p.m. reception there. The following day they tour the campus by bus, and attend a luncheon with a historical slide presentation at 11:30 a.m. in the Compton Union Building Carey Ballroom. The reunion social hour begins at 5 p.m. in the Carey Ballroom, followed by dinner.

For more information about the reunions, go to the following Web site at or call (800) 258-6978.