INS issues SEVIS reprieve

The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service has granted colleges two more weeks before they must start using the SEVIS database to monitor and track foreign students. Colleges can now use current visa forms until Feb. 15.

While WSU is right on target with its SEVIS implementation, International Student Services director Mary Furnari is glad for the respite.

“We had our site visit Jan. 29, and it went very smoothly,” she said. “I am hoping we will be approved for SEVIS in the next week or two. We are in prepro-duction with our SEVIS software, and the first tier of users has been trained. But there will be a steep learning curve as we adjust our services and practices to the new SEVIS environment.”

“INS extended the deadline due to the overload on the SEVIS website — nightmare scenarios are common on my professional listservs,” Furnari added. “The SEVIS help desk and our INS contact in Spokane both confirmed we can continue to issue non-SEVIS documents until Feb. 15, which is to everyone’s great relief.”