‘Kennewick Man on Trial’ Videos Available from KWSU Media

PULLMAN, Wash. — “Kennewick Man on Trial,” video tapes of four lectures
presented at a Seattle museum, are available to the public from KWSU Media
at Washington State University.

Discovered by accident along the banks of the Columbia River in 1996, the
ancient human remains know as Kennewick Man have raised a host of
intriguing and hotly debated questions.

On Oct. 22-23, 1999, four lectures were presented during a panel at the state of
Washington’s Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture in Seattle, located
on the University of Washington campus. Speaking were:

— Timothy McKeown, National Park Service, and Adeline Fredin, Confederated
Tribes of the Colville Reservation, about “Discovery and Controversy,”
looking at legislation and tribal reactions.

— Joseph Powell and Anne Stone, University of New Mexico, about “Bones,
Genes and the Construction of Race,” the science behind the discovery.

— David Meltzer, Southern Methodist University, about “Peopling the
Americas,” identifying with the first Americans.

— Rebecca Tsosie, Arizona State University, about “Native American Claims to
the Past,” what the law requires.

Bob Curry, producer of “Kennewick Man on Trial,” said, “Since the discovery,
I have felt we should keep the public informed about this issue, especially
since he was found in our broadcast area. The tapes nicely complement a
90-minute original television production that KWSU-TV in Pullman and
KTNW-TV in the Tri-Cities broadcast in April.”

Running a total of 260 minutes on two VHS tapes, “Kennewick Man on Trial”
sells for $39.95, plus $4.95 for shipping. Call 800/883-0124 to order.

Information about the video is available at
